Sims 2 Faster Skills Mod


  1. Sims 2 Faster Skills
  2. Sims 2 Faster Skills Mod

Mods that help your level up your skilling

Sims 2 Faster Skills

1.) Painting Drawing Mod– Whenever a painting is started, the easel is supposed to save the painter’s Creativity skill. The painter’s Creativity skill is then saved to the finished painting, because it is used to determine how much the painting appreciates every once in a while. However, Maxis made a mistake which makes it so that at certain times the game is unable to save the painter’s Creativity skill. In addition, the game sometimes re-saves the painter’s Creativity skill if the painter stops and then continues painting, which should also not happen, because the game should only save the sim’s Creativity skill when the painter starts painting a canvas for the first time. This entire thing is fixed.
2.) Slower Skills-Badges-Cleaning-Repairing– This mod halves the rate at which sims learn skills, badges, and the rate at which they clean and repair objects. This makes the Lifetime aspiration reward Eureka! more relevant when sims learn skills. It also makes the Mechanical and Cleaning skills, and also Neat personality have a much higher effect on gameplay. Sims who have 500 or higher Neat receive a bonus to the rate at which they clean, if the sim has 1000 Neat, they receive an even higher bonus. So, sims who have high Neat and high Cleaning skill can clean objects very quickly.
3.) Slower Fitness Gain– This mod does not affect body skill gain rate. It has nothing to do with body skill. Different objects have different body skill gain rates, and they stay as such with this mod, too.
4.) Sell Skills to Grim Reaper– Maybe they’re desperate for Simoleans, who knows why, but this lets them do it.
5.) Hacked BOOKCASE to learn more skills– This is a global hacked bookcase that allows your sims to learn other skills from a book
6.) Hacked Book to learn more skills and Buyable Book– his is a global hacked book that allows your sims to learn other skills from a loose book.
7.) Painting autonomy changes– With this mod visitors can no longer practice painting when visiting your Sims. In addition Sims can sign up for the painting pass club by acquiring the painting pass pass. Stick the painting pass pass in your Sims inventory, and they will refrain from painting autonomously while on residential lots. You can still direct them to paint, and they will paint autonomously on community lots, but they won’t do so autonomously at home. That way you can keep the easels for the painter in the family, if you want to.
8.) Faster novel writing – Customizable– This is a global mod that changes how long it takes to write a novel. In FT/AL/M&G the default time required to write a novel is roughly 15 hours.
9.) Karaoke Builds Charisma– Self Explanatory.
10.) Teleport at will for Sims with max logic– It allows any Sim with logic 10 to teleport at will, using the animations from the “meditate” teleport. Your Sims can teleport to any part of the lot, including otherwise unreachable areas.
11.) Book of Talent– A shiny new (okay, a dusty old) book that can teach your sim many skills to the max. The sim will not actually open and read the book though, I made it as a ‘static’ object. You just need to click on it and appropriate pie menus will show up.
12.) Smart Toddler Picture– Your toddler can learn 3 important skills in the blink of an eye:
13.) Better Stereo Workout-Won’t effect custom stereos.
14.) Less Visitor Skilling– Visitors are more sensible about using fun skilling items like the chessboard. Visitors use the fun check (which quits at higher motives) rather than the skill check (which quits when the sim is near motive failure) when doing fun skilling activities. Playable sims are unaffected. Visiting vampires automatically quit skilling objects once the sun comes up.
15.) Better Roach Stomp-Stomping roaches now has a 50-100% chance of killing them, based on the sim’s Body.
16.) Skilling While In a Bad Mood– This prevents all sims from refusing to use skill objects even if they are in a bad mood.
17.) Creative Gain Enabled For Blogging and Diary– This mod allows sims to gain creativity skill while writing in their diary.
18.) Study Skills Faster From Books– This mod will boost the speed of skill studying with normal, non-traditional and special skills on the regular bookcases and the career reward bookcase. Study Normal Skills’ speed has been doubled. The Sims will spend around an hour or two gaining the first 4 skill points individually. At around the 4th skillpoint, it takes slightly longer and then thereon, with each skillpoint gained, the Sim will spend a bit more time, BUT they won’t take forever to gain all 10 skillpoints in a given normal skill such as Cooking, Cleaning and Mechanical.
19.) Paint Faster– PaintFaster-AL enables Sims to do a full painting within at least an hour.
20.) Show Hidden Skills and Stats with Bonsai of Wisdom– A single object with the main function to show these skills and stats
21.) Gain mechanic skill points extremely fast with Magic Surgery– Extremely fast mechanic skill gain (approx. four times faster)
22.) Gain cleanness skill points extremely fast with Magic Investigator– Extremely fast cleanness skill gain (approx. four times faster)
23.) Gain cooking skill points extremely fast with Magic Candy Factory– Extremely fast cooking skill gain (approx. four times faster)
24.) Gain logic skill points extremely fast with Magic Telescope-Extremely fast logic skill gain (approx. four times faster)
25.) Gain charisma skill points extremely fast with Magic Mirror– Extremely fast charisma skill gain (approx. four times faster)
26.) Gain body skill points extremely fast with Magic Exerciser– Extremely fast body skill gain (approx. four times faster)
27.) Gain creativity skill points extremely fast with Magic Easel– Extremely fast skill gain (approx. four times faster)
28.) Sims Who’ve Learned Fire Safety Extinguish Fire Instead Of Panicking– Also contains a file that lets Sims do nothing but you can only have one.
29.) Study All Skills From Books– Now all 7 skills can be studied from all bookcases, not just the education career reward – although you’ll still need the education career reward to get that fast skilling rate
30.) Teleport At Will for Maxed Logic Sims– Simply put, this hack lets your sims who have maxed logic teleport to wherever you want.
31.) Stop Skilling And Go To Work/School– This will stop/interrupt whatever your sim’s doing and go to work/school but you can still manually cancel out that action if you dont want your sim to go to work/school. It removes the +50 in energy/hunger going to work/school that Monique’s mod has.
32.) Skill While Reading Patch 1– Allows continual skilling, but will not maximize any skill, so that the Sim can still go and use a skill object briefly and get his Maximize a Skill want fulfilled.
33.) Skill While Reading Patch 2– Will not complete any skill point at any level – it will get them nearly there so for each point they need to use a skill object briefly and can get their Gain a Skill Point want fulfilled. Interests may be maximized with either patch.
34.) Skill While Reading Patch 3– Additionally does not allow an interest point to be completed without doing a normal interest-forming activity for a short time.
35.)Sensible Study Bookcase– This allows autonomous studying according to the Sim’s personality and aspirations. The attractiveness of studying autonomously are at their lowest for playful pleasure-seekers and at their highest for serious knowledge Sims. The field of study that is most attractive is biased a little by the interests and personality, and there is very little attraction to study a subject the Sim is already maximised on.

Sims 2 Faster Skills Mod

It's really hard learning skills in the sims 4, much more time consuming than in TS3. Is there a mod to make it faster? Press J to jump to the feed. Dec 11, 2016 - Sims 4 CC Mods: Savant Trait Faster Skills (1.15.55) by Shimrod101 from Mod The Sims. Sims 4 Downloads.