Voxman Etudes Trumpet Pdf

  1. Voxman Etudes Trumpet Pdf Download
  2. Voxman Selected Studies Trumpet Pdf Free

Bb and Eb Clarinets
Alto, Bass, and Contra Clarinets
Oboe and All Saxophones
Horn in F
Tenor Trombone
Bass Trombone
Baritone/Euphonium (Bass Clef)
Baritone/Euphonium (Treble Clef)
All Percussion

Flutes Exercises from Selected Studies for Flute by H. Voxman; Rubank Pub.

2019-20 Pg. 38, Andante cantabile, Ab Major. Soussman
2020-21 Pg. 8, Largo, E minor. Ferling-Rosé
2021-22 Pg. 4, Sarabande, A minor. Bach
2022-23 Pg. 12, Lento, D minor.

  • Five Duets Selected from the Works of Boismortier, Haag, Stamit z, and Telemann ROMANCE Andante.
  • FLUTE ALL REGION ETUDES FLUTE BOOK Selected Studies for Flute by H. Voxman SET 1 Page 14 D Major Quarter = 110-120 M. 1 - Downbeat of 25 Page 20 Bb Major - Eighth note = 90-100 M. 1 - 18 (double bar/key change).
  • Created Date: 7/10/2014 3:24:17 PM.
Voxman Etudes Trumpet Pdf

Bb and Eb Soprano ClarinetsExercises from Selected Studies for Clarinet by H. Voxman, Rubank Pub.

2019-20 Pg. 2, Andante, C Major. Ferling-Rosé
2020-21 Pg. 22, Andante, Eb Major. Ferling-Rosé
2021-22 Pg. 16, Adagio, G minor. Ferling-Rosé
2022-23 Pg. 18, Andante, D Major. Mazas

Alto, Bass, and Contra ClarinetsExercises from Artistic Studies for Clarinet, Book 1 (from the French School) ed. by D. Hite, Southern Music Pub.

2019-20 Pg. 49, measures 1 – 25
2020-21 Pg. 70, measures 22 – End
2021-22 Pg. 59, measures 41 – End
2022-23 Pg. 53, measures 1 – 32

Oboes and All SaxophonesExercises from 48 Famous Studies for Oboe or Saxophone by Ferling, Southern Music Pub.

2019-20 Pg. 6, no. 11, D minor, Larghetto
2020-21 Pg. 12, no. 23, F# minor. Andante
2021-22 Pg. 8, no. 15, B minor, Largo mesto
2022-23 Pg. 4, no. 7, E minor, Largo

BassoonExercises from 48 Famous Studies for Bassoon by Ferling-Thornton, Southern Music Pub.

2019-20 Pg. 5, no. 7, G minor, Largo
2020-21 Pg. 2, no. 3, C minor, Andantino
2021-22 Pg. 20, no. 19, Bb minor, Andante
2022-23 Pg. 8, no. 9, Ab Major

TrumpetExercises from Selected Studies for Cornet/Trumpet by H. Voxman, Southern Music Pub.

Jazz Trumpet Etude Pdf. Theo (Theophile) Charlier (1868 - 1944) was a central musical figure in Belgium. He was one of the first to prefere trumpet instead of cornet (remember Arbans influence at that time). As a performer he was the first to play Brandenburg #2 in modern time (April, 1889). The Theo Charlier Book FREE DOWNLOAD.

2019-20 Pg. 14, Valse, E minor. Bohme
2020-21 Pg. 24, Adagio cantabile, Eb Major. Pietzsch
2021-22 Pg, 32, Adagio cantabile, Ab Major. Duhew
2022-23 Pg. 12, Larghetto, G Major

Horn in FExercises from 335 Selected Melodious, Progressive, and Technical Exercises for French Horn File exception error victoria 2. , Book I, by Pottag-Andraud, Southern Music Pub.

2019-20 Pg. 50, Adagio
2020-21 Pg. 48, Adagio con expressive (1st five lines). Kopprasch
2021-22 Pg. 51, Largo (1st five lines)
2022-23 Pg. 19, no. 7, Andante

Tenor TromboneExercises from Selected Studies for Trombone by H. Voxman, Rubank Pub.

2019-20 Pg. 28, Maestoso, E minor
2020-21 Pg. 13, Valse lentement, D minor
2021-22 Pg. 19, Largo cantabile, C Major
2022-23 Pg. 26, Andante con moto, G Major

Bass Trombone – Exercises from 24 Studies for Bass Trombone or Trombone with F Attachment by Boris Grigoriev, ed. Allen Ostrander; International Music Company Publications

2019-20 Pg. 2, no. 1, Lento, C Major
2020-21 Pg. 25, no. 23, Lento, G-flat Major
2021-22 Pg. 21, no. 19, Tranquillo, D-flat Major
2022-23 Pg. 19, no. 17, Adagio, E Major

Baritone/Euphonium (Bass Clef)Exercises from Selected Studies for Baritone by H. Voxman, Rubank Pub.

2019-20 Pg. 10, F Major, Larghetto cantabile
2020-21 Pg. 22, Db Major, Adagio cantabile
2021-22 Pg. 2, Bb Major, Adagio cantabile
2022-23 Pg. 18, C Major, Largo cantabile

Baritone/ Euphonium (Treble Clef) Exercises from Selected Studies for Cornet-Trumpet by H. Voxman, Southern Music Pub.

2019-20 Pg. 12, G Major, Larghetto Cantabile
2020-21 Pg. 24, Eb Major, Adagio cantabile
2021-22 Pg. 2, C Major, Adagio cantabile
2022-23 Pg. 21, D Major, Largo cantabile

TubaExercises from 70 Studies for BBb Tuba, Vol. 1 by Vladislav Blazhevich, Robert King Music Pub.

Voxman Etudes Trumpet Pdf

2019-20 Pg. 27, no. 28, 4/4, Eb Major, Andante Semplice
2020-21 Pg. 8, no. 9, 4/4, D minor, Andante cantabile
2021-22 Pg. 22, no. 23, 6/4/, D Major, Andante
2022-23 Pg. 19, no. 20, 2/2, G minor, Lento

Percussion Instruments – Students are required to demonstrate a proficiency on all percussion instruments – mallet, snare, and timpani.

Mallet Scales (Major)

2019-20 C, Ab, E
2020-21 F, Db, A
2021-22 Bb, Gb, D
2022-23 Eb, B, G

Mallet EtudesMasterpieces for Marimba by Thomas McMillan

2019-20 Pg. 14, Sonata by Handel (to letter B, without repeats)
2020-21 Pg. 16, Sonata by Corelli (lines 1-5)
2021-22 Pg. 6, Sonatina by Telemann (lines 1-6)
2022-23 Pg. 10, Sonata by Handel (beginning to letter B, without repeats)

Snare Drum Rudiments

Concert (closed) roll – (pp < ff > pp) 20 second time limit – 10 seconds for crescendo, 10 seconds for decrescendo – Required every year

Rudimental (open) roll [double stroke roll] – (slow – fast – slow) 40 second time limit – 20 seconds slow to fast, 20 seconds fast to slow – Required every year

Flam and Drag Rudiments – not required

Voxman Etudes Trumpet Pdf Download

Snare Drum EtudesAdvanced Snare Drum Studies by Mitchell Peters

Voxman Selected Studies Trumpet Pdf Free

2019-20 Etude #1 (lines 1-8)
2020-21 Etude #4 (lines 1-11)
2021-22 Etude #9 (lines 1-8)
2022-23 Etude #10 (lines 1-11)

Timpani Etudes – not required