The world's largest ebook library. Z-Library. Download books for free. If you are installing both Open Watcom C/C 2.0 and Open Watcom FORTRAN 77 2.0, we recommend that you install both products under the same directory. This will eliminate duplication of files and, as a result, reduce the total required disk space. 2.2 Type Libraries. Type libraries, also called typelibs, are compiled representations of IDL files.IDL stands for Interface Definition Language; it is the C-like language Microsoft uses to describe the collections of interfaces supported by an OCX object. This icon appears alongside links to resources that are not developed or maintained by Thomson Reuters. We provide access to these resources for your convenience, but we are not responsible for their accuracy. Word 97 is an OLE 2.0 application. A Word binary file is a docfile and Word binary data is written into streams within the docfile using the OLE 2.0 docfile APIs. These streams are stored in the file as linked lists of file blocks and this data cannot be reliably accessed by using the operating system Open APIs.
-->There are two different formats for representing linkedobjects and embedded objectswithin container documents.The first format is the OLE1.0 Format. This format predates the OLE CompoundFile technology (as specified in [MS-CFB]).When using the OLE1.0 Format, the linked object and embeddedobject data is laid out as a sequence of bytes within the containerdocument. The data structures in section 2.2 specify theformat of the data within the byte sequence.
Cannot Load The Ole 2.0 Or Doc File Librariesor Doc File Libraries
The second format is the OLE2.0 Format. This format uses theOLE Compound File technology (as specified in [MS-CFB]). When using the OLE2.0Format, the container applicationcreates an OLE Compound File Storage object ([MS-CFB] section 1.3)for each linked object or embedded object. The linked object or embedded objectdata is contained in this storage in the form of OLE Compound File Streamobjects ([MS-CFB] section 1.3). The data structures in section 2.3specify the format of the data contained in the stream objects.
It is required that an application differentiate in advancewhether it is processing a file that uses the OLE1.0 Format or the OLE2.0Format. This information is local to the application and is not specified inthis document.
Cannot Load The Ole 2.0 Or Doc File Libraries Online
Cannot Load The Ole 2.0 Or Doc File Libraries
It is strongly advised that implementations of thisspecification use the OLE2.0 Format when creating container documents. TheOLE1.0 Format is specified to allow only for backward-compatibleimplementations.