Compress Images In Powerpoint

  1. Compress Images In Powerpoint Mac
  2. Compress Images In Powerpoint Mac
  3. Compress Images In Powerpoint 2016

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Or does PowerPoint compress images? More Details on Images, Formats and Sizes. Let’s share some expert knowledge on PowerPoint and images. A given RAW photo, taken by a SLR camera, might have a dimension of 5835 by 3890 pixels, and its file size is 27 MB. Because the image is not compressed, it contains the maximum amount of information. Compress images in PowerPoint: From PC. From Pictures Tools / Format menu 3. Select 'Compress Pictures' 4. Click 'Options' and select from the three “Target output options,” recommend “E-mail (96ppi): minimize document for sharing”. Click OK, when done. (For example, file size was 1,087kb, after compressing it’s. Luckily, you can change the picture compression settings to reduce the overall file size. Compressing pictures is especially helpful if you want to email a presentation. With the picture selected, click the Compress Pictures button on the Format tab. First, select an image on your PowerPoint slideshow. Once you select an image, a new Format tab called Picture Tools will appear. Select this tab and click on Compress Pictures. This will open the Compress Pictures tab. From here, you can select whether to compress only the selected image or compress all images on the PowerPoint presentations. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the Adjust group, click Compress Pictures. If you do not see the Picture Tools - Format tab, make sure that you selected a picture. You may have to double-click the picture to select it and open the Format tab. Also, depending on your screen size, you might only see the icons for the Adjust group.

  1. Compressing Pictures
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My PowerPoint 2016 (includes Content Update Program)

Compressing Pictures

Compress Images In Powerpoint Mac


With today’s cameras and phones that take mega-megapixel pictures, it’s easy to end up with huge files. When this happens, you might consider using the Compress Pictures feature to bring them to a more manageable size.

You should know a few things about picture compression. First is that it’s on by default. Yes, PowerPoint automatically compresses your pictures when you save your file. It uses a target pixels-per-inch resolution of 220, which gives an adequate balance of quality versus file size for most uses. Second is that you can still use Compress Pictures to compress more. Third is that after PowerPoint has compressed your images, it won’t compress them again at a higher resolution because that would cause your pictures to look really bad.

Compress Images In Powerpoint Mac

Compress Pictures to Reduce File Size

Apply picture compression according to how you intend to use your file. For example, if you need to email it, you might want to apply maximum compression.

Compress Images In Powerpoint 2016

  1. Select a picture on a slide. Ideally, use a presentation that includes a number of pictures.
  2. Click the Compress Pictures button on the Picture Tools Format tab. This opens the Compress Pictures dialog box. Tn75sa shop manual.

  3. To apply compression to all images in the file, uncheck Apply Only to This Picture.
  4. Uncheck Delete Cropped Areas of Pictures if you want to leave the cropped areas available.
  5. Select the target output resolution, which will depend on how you intend to use the file. Select E-mail (96 ppi) for maximum compression. Raw fusion live from the styleetron rar download. Use Web (150 ppi) if you plan to post your presentation online or project it. Choose Print (220 ppi) if you intend to print. The HD option (330 ppi) is now available for high-definition displays.