DarkLaguna 10 years ago #3 You can also visit a stylist, or give yourself a self-makeover, if you have Ambitions. It's easier that way, at least if you want to have different hairstyles for different outfits, without having to leave the create-a-sim mode every time. I am leaving the sims for good as i have found a new home in second life. I want to thank everyone who has reached out to, helped, created for, hated on, and debated with me. Yall kept me young lol. Just remember that we as people of color are equally beautiful and deserve to be showcased and celebrated, wether it be the sims or any other.
- female, male
- child, toddler, infant
- eyelash, eyeshadow,
- eyeliner, eyebag
- lipstick, lip color
- scars, moles, freckles
- female (maternity)
- child, toddler, infant
- hats, headbands, scarves
- earrings, necklace, bracelets
- gloves, rings, nails
- glasses, piercing, masks
- leggings, tights, socks/stockings
- clothes, bags, objects
- for kids (pacifiers)
Poses (couple poses, model poses, simple poses, pregancy, child, toddler, infant, group poses, sit poses, selfie poses)
- furniture (kitchen, dining room, livingroom, bathroom, bedroom, nursery, kids room, study room, outdoor, community objects)
- decor (clutter, rugs, pillows, blanket, paintings, posters, wallart, lights, electronics, plants, food, drinks, curtains, animal)
- build mode (walls, floors, patterns, doors, windows, stairs, trees, fireplace, columns, fence)
- residential, community
- female, male
- genetics, accessories (clothes), objects
Sims 3 Hair Color Hex Codes
- action, tutorials, reshade
Holidays (Christmas, Halloween, Wedding, Valentine’s day, Easter)
Sims 3 Hair Color Mod
Sims 3 Hair Color Numbers
life is strange, mass effect, witcher, dragon age, fallout 4