Wine 3.0.1

3.3.0-1: all impish (utils): utility for interacting with PyPI universe 3.4.1-1: all Package wine-binfmt. Bionic (18.04LTS) (otherosfs): Windows API implementation - binfmt support universe 3.0-1ubuntu1: all. CrossOver is a polished version of Wine provided by CodeWeavers. CrossOver makes it easier to use Wine and CodeWeavers provides excellent technical support to its users. All purchases of CrossOver are used to directly fund the developers working on Wine. So CrossOver is both a great way to get support in using Wine and to support the Wine Project. The Wine maintenance release 3.0.1 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - Various bug fixes - Translation updates The source is.

  1. Wine 3.0 Android 10
  2. Wine-stable 3.0-1ubuntu1
  3. Wine 30 Ny
  4. Wine 30 Milwaukie Oregon
For those not riding the exciting bi-weekly development releases of Wine, the Wine 3.0.1 stable release is out today as the first bug-fix update over the Wine 3.0 debut that happened earlier this year.
Wine 3.0.1 has 60 known bugs fixed including addressing issues with Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Office, Symantec Norton 360, Microsoft .NET, and more. On the gaming side there are fixes for Civilization V, Black and White 2, Bermuda, Wolf RPG Editor, and others.
Wine 30 menuThe complete list of the 60 fixes for Wine 3.0.1 can be found via today's release announcement at

Wine 3.0 Android 10


This map shows worldwide distribution of most consumed alcoholic (beer, wine, spirits or other alcoholic) beverages, in litres of pure alcohol.

Key findings for this year report: Cmd opens and closes.

  • More than 45% of total recorded alcohol is consumed in the form of spirits, predominantly in the South-East Asia and Western Pacific.
  • Approximately 36% of total recorded alcohol is consumed in the form of beer. Beer consumption is highest in the Region of the Americas.
  • Commonly, high overall consumption levels are found in countries such as the Russian Federation, which display both high beer and high spirits consumption.
  • Consumption of wine as a percentage of total recorded alcohol is globally quite low (8.6%), with significant levels of alcohol consumed in the form of wine in the European Region (26.4%).
  • Beverages other than beer, spirits and wine (e.g. fortifi ed wines, rice wine or other fermented beverages made of sorghum, millet, maize) have the highest share in total recorded consumption in the African Region (48.2%), and in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (31.3%).

Wine-stable 3.0-1ubuntu1

Most consumed alcoholic beverages in terms of litres of pure alcohol, which do not necessarily refl ect that the overall level of consumption of this alcoholic beverage is high. For example in India, spirits are the most consumed alcoholic beverages, but this does not mean that the consumption level of spirits is high, but that the proportion of total alcohol consumed in the form of spirits is high.

Wine 30 Ny


Wine 30 Milwaukie Oregon

  • Beer - includes malt beers.
  • Wine - includes wine made from grapes.
  • Spirits - include all distilled beverages.
  • Other Alcohol - includes one or several other alcoholic beverages, such as fermented beverages made from sorghum, maize, millet, rice, or cider, fruit wine, fortifi ed wine, etc.